International Library Network Sustainability Strategy is a not for profit organization that supports and advocates for the wide availability of electronic resources by library users in transitional and developing countries. Its core activities are negotiating affordable subscriptions on a multi-country consortial basis, supporting national library consortia and maintaining a global knowledge sharing and capacity building network in related areas, such as open access publishing, intellectual property rights, open source software for libraries and the creation of institutional repositories of local content. required sustainability strategy support to identify which of its activities had the most potential to support sustainability and how.

Internaut Consulting was retained to advise the eiFL Network on a number of effective sustainability strategies in light of their current program offerings and opportunities that Internaut Consulting saw existed leveraging member and donor interest. A previously commissioned study provided a variety of solutions, many of which were highly impractical in the network’s financial, legal and operational state. The advice provided was more practical, as the network acknowledged, and focused on cultivating some obvious partnerships with projects that needed the content and local support the eiFL Network offered globally.